Monday, February 15, 2010

The Role of African American Women in the Black Church

The role of African American women in the black church is an interesting concept, woman outnumber men in the pew, yet are rarely seen in the pulpit. Actually, black women have been the backbone of the black church. But they’re great amount of important contributions are made as lay leaders, compared to religious heads of churches. Question is why aren't black women serving as spiritual leaders? And in spite of this obvious gender inequality in the black church, why does church life continue to be so important to so many black women?

According to James Henry Harris, pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia, and adjunct assistant professor of philosophy at Old Dominion, states: “Women in black churches outnumber men by more than two to one; yet in positions of authority and responsibility the ratio is reversed.” Even though African American woman are slowly entering as pastors, bishops, elders and deacons, women and men are still resistant and fearful of development.

When churches approved a woman to the preaching ministry over a decade ago, nearly all the male deacons and many women members disagree the action by requesting to custom and selected Scripture passages. Black theology and the black churches have to contract with the double repression of black women in church and society. Christianity became prominent in black society because it was a religion of empowerment and spiritual freedom that sustained them through the ravages of racism and slavery. But still to this day African American woman in churches are faced with abundant of issues that Christianity stood against. According to James Henry Harris, black theology and the black churches should address sexism against black women, and I totally agree.
